We give the first demonstration of --“Who we are” “What we do” and Most importantly“What we can do for you” We talk about financial planning in simple language. We explain in brief our financial planning process, corporate philosophy and ethical standards.

Introducing Awaken
After the initial presentation if you are interested in going ahead, we will introduce “AWAKEN“, a unique program to bring about financial prosperity and improve the quality of life. AWAKEN ensures that the changes are permanent your happiness quotient improves.
Fact Finder
Through the first four steps of AWAKEN, we have developed a solid platform for financial planning with you. Now is the time to execute your plan. Here we will introduce a “Fact Finder” to collect all the vital information about you and your family. Though a lot of information is already gathered but to prepare a comprehensive plan, we need comprehensive information.
Manufacturing Financial Plan and Investment Policy Statement
As we have all the necessary qualitative and quantitative information about you and your family, now is the time to manufacture your financial plan. We will prepare a written financial plan and discuss various situations. At places we will talk about the alternatives also. For example we will talk about the ideal budget or what can be done to increase income and investments. Written financial plan would also contain an Investment Policy Statement that describes our policy towards
- Goal of investments
- Current investment and new investments required
- Asset Allocation
- Security selection
- Portfolio monitoring
- Re adjustment of asset allocation at regular
- Intervals. We will also advise if the original asset
- Allocation should continue or it needs a change
- There is a separate document on asset allocation
- That can be referred to for further clarification.
- Regular assessment of mutual funds and other investments against the stated parameters
Presentation of Financial Plan
Once the financial plan and Investment Policy Statement (IPS) are ready and ratified by the Director-Financial Planning, this will be presented before you. Our Financial planner would explain the plan and encourage you to be satisfied before implementing the plan. You may have few queries and we are expected to provide you satisfactory replies. The point is that you should feel like owning the plan instead of it being imposed on you. And this can happen when you thoroughly understand the plan and come up with questions. That would indicate that you are taking interest in the plan and are ready to live by it.We will then get the plan and IPS approved by you.
After the financial plan being approved by you, we will now go ahead and carry out the investment transactions. All the paper work will be done according toThe Investment Policy Statement (IPS). Investments will be done either physically or online depending on your convenience. Also if a you have any previous investment, then we will take a call to continue with it or to divert it to some other plan as stated in the Investment Policy Statement. If the previous plans are found suitable for continuing, then we will obtain your authority to include in your overall portfolio.
Term Insurance and Mediclaim will also be looked after as per your financial plan. All the paperwork of these Insurance products will be done with the help of the respective Relationship Managers. They are expected to coordinate with you and get the policies issued without any trouble.After all the investments and insurance cover become operational, we will open an online portfolio to you which you can access 24/7.
Term Insurance and Mediclaim will also be looked after as per your financial plan. All the paperwork of these Insurance products will be done with the help of the respective Relationship Managers. They are expected to coordinate with you and get the policies issued without any trouble.After all the investments and insurance cover become operational, we will open an online portfolio to you which you can access 24/7.
Ongoing Communication
- Regular portfolio reporting (quarterly),
- Meetings (six monthly)
- Asset Allocation
Financial Plan Review
Review of Financial Plan, monitoring and rebalancing of the portfolio will take place annually (it could be earlier also if warranted). In the Financial Plan review we will again restart the whole process and steps described above. For Investments we will follow all the criteria laid down in the IPS. Investment Manager will do its best to ensure that portfolio should be on its way to achieve your goals and dreams.